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POSC/ASLC-208: Power and Politics in Contemporary China

Policy Briefs

Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy - nonprofit research organization; view their donors

Paulson Institute Policy Memoranda

CIAO: Columbia International Affairs Online (1991 to present)

China Brief -- journal of policy analysis and information related to Chinese politics and society

Center for Strategic and International Studies - nonprofit policy research organization with a focus on military development & security; view their corporate donors

China File - by the Asia Society, policy reporting and opinion. Browsable by topic.

Think Tanks and NGO Research

Human Rights Watch - non-government organization conducting research and advocacy on human rights internationally

East-West Center -- independent nonprofit, providing information and analysis related to the Asia-Pacific region, including policy studies

Council on Foreign Relations -- independent, nonpartisan think tank, issues backgrounders and other reports on global and country-specific policy issues.

MERICS Mercator Institute for Chinese Studies - German think tank, some mix of member-only and free policy analysis content.