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Exhibiting Artists: Five Readings

Reading suggestions from artists exhibiting at Amherst College

Gina Siepel: Living Material

Artist's website:

Five books and essays recommended by Gina Siepel to accompany the exhibition "Living Material."
Eli Marsh Gallery, October 24-November 18, 2022. 


Anni Albers, "Work with Material" (1937) and "Material as Metaphor" (1982)
Josef & Anni Albers Foundation

Margaret Renkl, "Why We Should All Be Chasing Acorns," 
New York Times, October 17, 2022

Edwige Charlot: Anlè, Anba

Artist's website:

Books and essays recommended by Edwige Charlot to accompany the exhibition "Anlè, Anba."
Eli Marsh Gallery, February 13-March 10, 2023. 


Heliana Fortes de Roux,"Creolization in the Caribbean"
Smithsonian Folklife Festival, 1989

Ohan Breiding: Belly of a Glacier

Artist's website:

Books and essays recommended by Ohan Breiding to accompany the exhibition "Belly of a Glacier"
Eli Marsh Gallery, March 20 - April 17, 2023. 


Joseph R. McConnell, "Extreme Climate After Massive Eruption of Alaska’s Okmok Volcano in 43 BCE and Effects on the Late Roman Republic and Ptolemaic Kingdom"
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), June 22, 2020