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Services & Resources for Students

Course Reserves

What are course reserves?

  • Course reserves are materials for your classes, like textbooks, DVDs, and CDs, to which the Library provides access. These materials can be either:
    • Electronic: Articles, book chapters, and media are accessible online via your course's Moodle page.
    • Physical/Print: Books and media are available at the Frost, Music, or Science Libraries.
    • Students don’t have to be registered for a class to borrow its print reserves, so this can be helpful during the add/drop period or if you are waiting to get books through the textbook solution.
    • Five College students can check out print reserves, but please return items to the Amherst location.
  • If your professor assigns a book as “required” for your class through the new textbook solution, one copy will be available on print reserve. Some faculty members request additional (recommended but not required) materials for course reserves.
  • Go to Moodle
  • Amherst College Textbooks: Information for Students 

How can I find my course reserves?

  • Electronic/Digital Reserves
    • Click the eReserves link in the course Moodle site.
    • Find streaming videos for your class either in Video Reserves or eReserves in Moodle. 
  • Physical items (Books, DVDs)
    • See what’s available for your class by clicking the “Check for Print Reserves” link in the course Moodle site.
    • You can also search Discover for the department code and number of the class, e.g. ECON-101(the department code alone will work too, e.g. ECON). 
    • Please don't click "place request" if all the copies say "Reserves" in the location. You’ll receive an error message if you do!
      don't request reserve items in Discover

Where can I borrow a print reserve item?

  • Frost Library:  Humanities and Social Sciences course reserves 
  • Keefe Science Library: STEM course reserves 
  • Morgan Music Library: Music course reserves
  • Come to the front desk and ask for your item by title or call number!

How long can I keep a print reserve item?

  • You can borrow reserve items for four (4) hours. 
  • If you check out an item within four hours of library closing time, you can keep it until one hour after the library location opens the next morning.