This concise sourcebook takes the guesswork out of locating the best sources of data, a process more important than ever as the data landscape grows incresingly cluttered. Much of the most frequently used data can be found free online, and this book shows readers how to look for it with the assistance of user-friendly tools.
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education. FInd U.S. data sets about pre-kindergarten through college education.
Access to data from the U.S. Census, American Community Survey, religious congregations, and other sources, with options to create thematic and interactive maps and reports.
Contains survey questions and answers asked in the US over the last 70+ years by more than 150 polling organizations. Create a personal registration for access to full features.
Since 1972, the General Social Survey (GSS) has provided politicians, policymakers, and scholars with a clear and unbiased perspective on what Americans think and feel about such issues as national spending priorities, crime and punishment, intergroup relations, and confidence in institutions.
Digital repository of statistical and census data published officially by the mainland Chinese government. China Data Insight English-language platform is not currently available.
Digital collection of journals, working papers, e-books, and data sets produced by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development; accessible resources include the OECD Journal, Main Economic Indicators (1999-), OECD Economic Outlook (1967-), and OECD Economic Surveys (1961-).
The WVS consists of nationally representative surveys conducted in almost 100 countries which contain almost 90 percent of the world’s population, using a common questionnaire. The WVS is the largest non-commercial, cross-national, time series investigation of human beliefs and values ever executed, currently including interviews with almost 400,000 respondents.