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PSYC-228: Clinical Psychology

Using Citations to Find Articles

If you have information like the article author, date, or general topic, you can track down these articles in various ways. Citations usually include at least the author's last name and date, for example: (Kruger 2005).

You can use the drop-down fields in PsycINFO's search to focus on the author and date information: 

You can then add in keywords related to the general topic, to narrow down further:

Using Citations to Find Related Articles

To find works that cite a particular article, you can use the Times Cited feature in your search results. Clicking on this will bring up other articles that have cited this one.

Screenshot of search result with "Times Cited in this database" highlighted


Google Scholar is another good place to trace the scholarly conversation by seeing who has cited an article, using the Cited by feature. Keep in mind that these articles may be from fields outside of Psychology!

Screenshot of Google Scholar result with "Cited by" link highlighted