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Archival Research

Tools and Terms for Archival Research at Amherst College


This guide will take you through the steps of conducting archival research at Amherst College, from searching, requesting, handling, and citing material. Use the menu on the left to get specific help.

Make an Appointment with the Archives

In a research consultation, librarians and archivists can help you:

  • get started with an archival or rare book research project
  • expand upon a research project or get past a stuck point
  • find archival materials and rare books at Amherst College
  • organize and cite your sources for collection materials

Schedule a research consultation here or contact

Get Research Help

librarian helps student at research deskAsk at the Research Help Desk!

  • Located in Frost Library, Level 1.
  • Monday - Friday, 11 am - 5 pm: Drop-in help from research librarians
  • Sunday - Thursday, 5 pm - 9 pm: Specially trained Peer Research Assistants available!

Schedule a Research Consultation

Have a question about your library account?

Need to get started right away?

Chat with a Librarian

Chat is available when librarians are at the reference desk, normally Monday - Friday, 11 am - 5 pm.