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Archival Research

Tools and Terms for Archival Research at Amherst College

Though not always required, it is generally helpful to request material in advance so that the archivists can prepare for your visit. However, some of our materials are held off-site and must be requested in advance. You can see this under “Conditions Governing Access” in the Collection Overview on ArchivesSpace:
archivesspace notice to request material in advance

Our deliveries from off-site storage typically occur on Tuesdays; please notify us of your request at as soon as possible and be aware that it may take up to eight days to arrive in the archives.

How to Request Archival Materials

In order to request material, please message us at If requesting archives and manuscripts, please provide the Collection Identifier, Box Number, and Folder Number. If requesting a rare book, please provide the full Call Number, including prefixes. Information about where this information lives can be found in the "Archives & Manuscripts" and "Rare Books" section of this guide.

The Purdue Online Writing Lab provides a helpful guide to requesting archival materials, including an e-mail template.

"Place Request" Button

When you click on a catalog record, you may see a small "Place Request" button on the left side. Please note that this is function is for the circulating collection, and is not used for archival request button in discover- don't use it!